The assigned article, " Radical in the White House ", by Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times was a article that touched on many ideas that I hope President Obama can live up to. I think the author recognizes that the time and space that the nation is in now is very grave and that the time is ripe for a leader that can bring about real change. He mentions leaders of the past such as Franklin Roosevelt(New Deal), John F. Kennedy(Civil Rights Movement), Lyndon Johnson(Civil Rights, Great Society Agenda) and how their presidencies were able to captivate a nation and lead us down a path that was beneficial for everyone and not one particular group. His audience with this article is simply every American. He calling for unity and support for a president that faces major crisis like the economy, health care, and the environment all issues that the decisions he makes will impact the nation for many years after he is out of office.
Mr. Friedman is a patriot, his love of America jumps off the page. He is also an optimistic realist. He understands that tough times are ahead and even tougher decisions are going to have to be made. Friedman knows that times for big change are few and far between and when they present themselves the must be meet head-on by a leader with the weight of a nation's backing. He is calling for all of us individually to do our part to help this nation out of this time of crisis, to take its cue from a charismatic leader who is not interested in the recent "status quo" political stance, which will get us back to our rightful place of world prominence.