Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Assignment #8-Michael Kirschbaum

The article "It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism", written by Harold Meyerson first appeared in The Washington Post. In the article, Meyerson attempts to debunk the myths created by conservatives in regard to the political aims of President Obama and his advocates. Meyerson asserts that the exaggerated claim "We are all socialists now" simply doesn't match the fact that only a small minority of Americans endorse a socialist state. Such claims are put forward by conservative Republicans who, seeing everything in opposite extremes, tend to give rise to sensationalist media. Meyerson defines the middle ground by pointing out Obama's plan to add some regulation to a disorderly form of capitalism. Once the government has created a footing, it can then let off, allowing the economy to settle back into another phase of strong competition, as was the case during Roosevelt's presidency. So while the political state may be leaning more toward socialism than it has in the last thirties years, such government regulation is necessary to prompt a revitalized phase of capitalism, a seeming contradiction which conservatives can never seem to grasp the concept of.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Assignment #8 TPAGE

"It's not about socialism, it's about rescuing capitalism", was written by Harold Meyerson and was featured in The Washington Post. Meyerson speaks about how Newt Gingrich was that American is turing into a socialist republic, because Obama is in office. The writer is really being sarcastic about it. He then goes on to tell about the history of socialist in America and then states the pros of socialist nation, like universal education and health care, which we do not have. He then goes on to defend Obama because of the money from the stimiulas plan and because conservatives think he is turing our country more into a European capitalist. When really Europes has recently become less regulated like ours and their economy is sinking along with ours. We no longer need to take the "hands off approach" towards our economy, it needs to be regulated. He then comes into to conclusion that the reason of the rise of a more socialist capitailst is the result of a deregualted economy.
I think the writer wrote this to refute the critics of Obama turing our country into a more socialist capitalist. He then makes many good point to defend his argument. I absolutly agree with him. This article was very interesting and proved its point.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Assignment #8 M. Thrift

The article was written by Harold Meyerson and appeared in The Wahington Post.The article is written to pretty much everyone,specifically those who wonder if America is becoming a socialist country.Meyerson explains what true socialism is and says that it is impossible to find a leftist group anywhere that would agree with true socialism.

Meyerson goes on to say that deregulated capitalism has "blown itself up" and has played a role in the collapse of economies,the downfall of the U.S. automotive industry,and widespread unemployment,just to name a few things.He tells us that it wasn't any one specific person's fault in this mess,but the system itself that is ruining America.

Assignment#8 JHUNTER

The article, by Harold Meyerson of the Washington Post, speaks on the idea that some believe the country is headed down a socialist, heavily regulated form of economy. This move is a change from the capitalist driven form of economy we know of today. America's calling card as a nation is " a nation where anything is possible ", or " the land of milk and honey " a country that loves (and dies) for its independence and the right to earn a honest dollar without big government sticking in its nose to oversee things. The author of the article is shedding some light that the time maybe right for big brother to give us some guidance through this global crisis and maybe we wouldn't have to go through these peaks and valleys with our economy tanking every so often. He injects the article with facts that, if we are such a mighty nation, why are 50 million of our citizens not covered with health care and why our nations infants rank 41st best on surviving, numbers that are totally unacceptable for a country that flaunts its excess.

Meyerson article is written for everyone. He is challenging those who believe that we are headed down a road where the government will be heavy handed in all aspects of life. He is an advocate of the recovery plan because he sees it as a way to jump start the economy once more and hopefully, with government guidance, build it to where we won't experience these periods of joblessness and financial distress. The fall of the global market can be put on ourselves and an insistence of some for government to stay out of their greedy money grab.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


This article was written by Harold Meyerson, and it appeared in the Washington Post. This article was written to show [in the author’s point of view] who is to blame, and how we got into the finical mess that we are in. This article is directed toward anyone that is listing, reading or just happening to looking at the Washington Post.

The basic argument that the author wants to make is that while conservatives blame the Obama administration for being socialists, the real problem is capitalism itself. The author says that unregulated capitalism is the real culprit. And that what is actually happening is that the so-called ‘socialists’ are not ruining the economy; what they are really doing is fixing the economy with better capitalism.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Assignment #6 D. Duryee

This article, "Revenge of the Glut", was written by Paul Krugman for The New York Times. He is writing this article to help inform people about why he thinks we have fallen into these economic hard times. He is aiming this article at the general public and attempting to explain why it seems that the economic problems just keep getting worse. What Mr. Krugman is trying to get across is that we have fallen into this recession because of an influx of money from mostly Asian markets and in turn we raised our trade deficit to its current massive figure. This, with the fall of the housing market and the increase in saving by the American people, has lead to the current economic downturn and has resulted in many other parts of the economy being affected. so basically our want of money to save has brought this economic trouble on us and our refusal to spend those savings now is just making everything worse.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Assignment #6 ECapps

"Revenge of the Glut" By Paul Krugman was published in The New York Times. The article explains how the world has ended up in the present economic crises. It states that the answers can be found in a speech Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, gave four years ago. “The Global Saving Glut and the U.S. Current Account Deficit,” explained that the cause was not in America but in the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. Yet, America did get hit as well. American bankers, led the world by hiding risk and fooling investors.
Also, we are seeing a huge uprise in the saving glut. The worldwide poverty that has hit has made people resort to thrift and in turn that hurts our economy even worse putting us in a global slump. I think this article was written for the average person to perhaps better educate how this economic crisis started. Perhaps if the world had taken better precautions we would not have out done ourselves when it comes to our economy.