Monday, March 2, 2009
Assignment #4- Michael Kirschbaum
The article "States and Cities Angle for Stimulus Cash", written by Monica Davey, attempts to describe the cautiousness of American officials in dealing with the newly passed stimulus plan. Although many infrastructural plans are ready to begin following the transfer of funds, the plan is far from foolproof. Across the states, politicians as well as community leaders are grappling for what they consider sufficient funds, while building tension within the country. Governors and mayors are working quickly to form the budget plan which will qualify their state to receive the maximum amount of money. Obviously, the distrubution and application of Obama's stimulus package is going to be a distressing process. But this was to be expected considering the conflicting political positions across the country. Whereas some politicans anticipate using the money for highway construction or filling deficits, others pledge not to take advantage of the funds at all, believing it could only have disastrous effects. Placing the political disagreements aside, it is certain that the plan must be carried out with a few essential goals in mind. The funding must be implanted into the economy within a relatively short time span and be spent in a way intended to advance the country as a whole. Without these two guidelines in mind, the outcome of the stimulus plan would lose it's momentum and perhaps have severe consequences on our already ailing economy.