The article, "Revenge of the Glut", was written by Paul Krugman and was featured in The New York Times. In the article Krugman tries to explain where this global debt has came from. He states that the answer can be found in Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, speach that he gave four years ago. The reason is because Asia has become the biggest exportig capital to the rest of the world. Though some small Eurpoean coutries are feeling the same effects the United States is we have a greater economy then theirs so it hits America harder. He then gives examples of how it is effecting other countries. For example in Europe, Germanies automobile market is going down. Which is very odd because they are the top sellers. He then goes on about how people are now trying to save there money for when they make it out of this economic crisis, that is if we ever do.
In m opinion Krugman wrote this artile to inform people about the economic crisis and how it came about, because many people do not understand how this happened and how it is now a global economic crisis.