In an article written by New York Times op-ed columnist Thomas L. Friedman entitled “Radical in the White House,” Friedman stresses the importance of the newly elected President to the country and indeed the world. He is writing to reassure the nation’s population, disenfranchised with the eight-year term of George W. Bush, that political leaders can indeed rise to the occasion and make sweeping reforms in, as the author said, a “stalemate” government.
The author is trying to parlay a sense of urgency to the public when he quotes Obama as saying “our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely passed.” The American economy and our standing abroad cannot be allowed to disintegrate, which is what a government tired of the same leadership has allowed to happen.
Mr. Friedman is arguing that the time for America to make a radical departure from its previous ways is now, and Obama is our greatest hope for the future.