Saturday, February 7, 2009

Assignment#2 JHUNTER

The article by Cindi Ross Scoppe of, was written to shed light on the choices big government has to make that we as individuals don't have to. The writer points out that balancing act that the government makes with budgets, and questions would lighter taxes, which puts more money in peoples pockets, actually promote domestic spending or have us line the pockets of our competition. The government has a far greater responsibility of providing services that are for the good of society as a whole. She's not saying that government planning/spending doesn't run a muck, which we all know it does, but that we are inclined to believe that elected officials would focus on the needs of society as opposed to the wants that individuals are more likely to indulge in. I think her audience for this article is the voting age public, as they are the ones who going to be making these tough decisions and putting the individuals in place to make them.

Scoppe raises the important question on do we borrow tomorrow's money for problems of today which would have a short term benefit but would leave our children fiscally strapped to deal with a mess we created. The answer to questions like theses are tough so the answers to them will be complex. There is no one path that we are going to take to bail us out but rather several. Scoppe writes only that risk that the government has with these decisions can bring down the community as a whole and we as families and/or businesses only pose immediate danger to ourselves.