Cindi Ross Scoppe wrote this article for the I believe this article was written to let people know just how bad things are, and to send a message to the people who make remarks such as well the government should just do this… but don’t think about all the different affects. She states very different scenarios each having a negative and a positive. The question is which negative is worse? Which negative will result in less people being laid off, or less people being foreclosed on?
I think she is trying to let people know that the government’s decisions are very different from day to day family decisions of just staying in for dinner because it’s cheaper than going out. Those decisions do not affect your neighbors or family members. However, a budget cut can affect several people, and not make everyone happy. I think the basic argument in this column is just that these problems are not just a simple fix, and regardless of the choices the government makes not everyone will benefit.
Tara Gombar