This article discusses both sides of the trade-off very well. I, however, am drawn to what Powers says towards the end of this article. Powers says, "Thinking small is hard to sell, especially after we were exhorted to dream of big things of lasting significance. But a diffused approach to patching up many smaller leaks, unsexy and uninspiring as it is, is precisely what some economists think of as a new paradigm for spurring growth in developing nations."
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Assignment #3 LFraser
"Trade-Offs in the Stimulus Package," is an article found on CQ TODAY ONLINE NEWS. This article was written by Madison Powers. In this article Powers writes to the all those who are interested in the economy about a couple trade-offs. "One trade off is between goals of efficiency and ideals of equity. The second is the need to strike a balance between infrastructure and other activities that also stimulate economic growth." One side believes that there should be wide-spread equity, while other believe that it is "better now to make sure that all boats don't sink than to insist upon creating a rising tide that will life all boats."