The article, by Monica Davey of the New York Times, "States and Cities Scramble for Stimulus Cash", touched on how the country's cities and states, big and small, were lining up to spend the the stimulus money. It is crucial for the areas to receive the money to possibly help out with their yearly budgets, create jobs, assist schools, and fix roads which forever need it. Davey also speaks on how governors and our local mayors are jockeying for position with the stimulus cash not only because the have their constituents best interest in heart but because their very own job could come down to how many crumbs they can shake off the federal table to help them help themselves. Others are concerned with health care and how much is being set aside for Medicaid making sure they grab from the big pot with both hands as well. While others such as South Carolina's own governor is opposed to the plan saying it would only put more strain on the American taxpayer.
Davey's article is intended to paint the big picture of the stimulus deal. It's designed get the reader to think about the people and aspects of the package that maybe don't get as much light shed on them as the others. The individual states will have a say on how much of a piece of the pie is given to them, but the bulk of the responsibility will be in Washington because a deal of this magnitude must keep the errors to a minimum.