This article did alot for me in explaining why this stimulus is needed as well as how it will benefit. there are some issues in this country that you can't wait to roll the dice on. The economy is certainly is one of them. While I may not be in agreement with some of it's points, the article did exactly what the writer intended it to do; inform the reader of his opinion of why its necessary.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
MHutcheson Assignment 3
The article written by Madison Powers who is a guest columnist for CQ online magazine is intended for people with above average political prowess. Powers goes into great detail explaining things with the economic stimulus while also explaining some tradeoffs involved to get the current deal. While I count myself in the group of citizens who has doubts about this plan, Mr. Powers did a wonderful job doing what most people have been craving - giving information on what this plan will do for the economy.